From Ledger to Dashboard: A Digital Transformation in Trucking Financial Management

There is no disputing the importance of digital financial management in running a successful trucking business or any other business. Finances are vital to trucking operations because one wrong financial move can bring the entire business to a halt. With the current freight climate remaining dull, there is no better time to start taking it seriously.

Financial management can get quite complicated, making it one of the reasons truckers tend to shy away from addressing it. It is understandable, though. No one likes a complicated problem that opens the doors to more stress and confusion.

This is precisely where the introduction of digital financial management systems becomes a transformative force within the trucking sector. These innovative solutions offer a level of simplicity and efficiency previously unattainable with conventional methods. By digitizing financial operations, trucking businesses can now access real-time data analytics, streamline their accounting processes, and achieve a holistic view of their financial health — all from a single platform.

This digital shift not only reduces the risk of human error but also significantly cuts down on the time spent managing paperwork, allowing business owners and operators to focus on core operational activities.

Today, truckers are taking advantage of such platforms to track expenses and allocate finances to aspects of the business like maintenance and fuel management, even getting reminders to pay their taxes on time. And the best part? They can do all of these from the comfort of their phones or other devices.

So, what is digital financial management?

Technology has revolutionized the trucking industry in more ways than one, and one of these is managing finances for trucking businesses, which can be complicated. Today, you have digital financial management solutions that can be operated from anywhere and are simple to use.

Simply put, a digital financial management solution is an application or platform that helps individuals and businesses manage their finances better. It helps trucking businesses track operating costs, forecast better, and allocate financial resources to other elements of the business.

Finances are a big part of your business as a trucking company, even more than most industries. You need finances for everyday operations and transactions. You are never too far from one; tolls, fuel costs, maintenance and repair costs, and so on.

With digital financial management, tracking and managing all of these becomes much more simplified. You don’t even have to outsource it. It can be so simple that you can do it yourself. Well, TrueNorth’s digital financial management is that simple.

Financial management can be a challenge for truckers

No doubt, financial management can be cumbersome and complicated for most people. This is true more so in the trucking industry, thanks to the constant flow of money in and out of the business. It can get very difficult to keep track.

Couple that with running freight operations, and you have an issue on your hands. Here are some of the challenges truckers face with respect to financial management.

1. High variable cost: The current economic situation for truckers is quite volatile, so prices constantly fluctuate, making it difficult to plan or forecast properly. This can strain the trucking business and its operations because it will be challenging to keep it running seamlessly. Price fluctuations are bad for operational planning, making it difficult to charge clients fair rates without losing in the process.

2. Delays in payment: Truckers aren’t the only ones experiencing the economic crunch. Other businesses and industries also feel it. Because of that, some may delay payment when they engage your services. Delayed payments can be terrible. Imagine having bills to pay on one hand, and on the other, you have outstanding client invoices yet to be processed or paid. It gets you stuck and sometimes could force you to borrow at exuberant rates, impacting profitability.

3. Tax reporting: Taxes are constant for most individuals and businesses, and the trucking industry is not exempt. Trucking businesses must accurately report their income and expenses to determine the tax value properly. It also involves reviewing the tax bill to better understand the payment system and process to ensure compliance. All these can get very complicated, making the entire idea stressful.

4. Administrative burden: The trucking, logistics, and supply chain business and operation can be tedious. As a result, you may need some hands on deck to help make the entire process as seamless as possible. These could be in-house or outsourced.

Truck drivers, operational staff, suppliers, and operations are financial burdens because they need to be paid if you want to continue enjoying their services. Managing them can create an administrative burden for most trucking businesses, especially the growing kind.

Why digital financial management is important for trucking companies

Digital financial management solutions have been a game changer for trucking companies. From managing complicated finances and excessive paper work, to seamlessly controlling the entire finances from a device.

The solution is truly astonishing from a trucking business perspective and helps reduce stress for you and other truckers. Here are some of the ways you can benefit from the applications.

1. Streamlined expense tracking

Daily operations in a trucking business can involve a lot of cash moving in and out of the business. Now, imagine that same trucking business with multiple trucks in operation. Keeping track of the entire flow can be cumbersome and overwhelming sometimes, especially when you have to review countless financial statements and paperwork to get all of them together.

With digital financial management, that is no longer the case. You can now seamlessly keep track of all your expenses from a single platform and eliminate paperwork. You can also do this remotely and on the move, negating the problem of remembering the details of the transaction in the future.

2. Speedy payment structure

Despite the economic situation, one of the primary reasons for slow payments is inaccuracy or delays in invoicing clients. Some companies also leverage this to intentionally delay payments. As mentioned earlier, it can be a serious challenge for trucking companies.

With digital accounting, you can create and send invoices faster and more accurately than ever. This helps speed up the payment process and helps with on-time payments.

3. Budgeting and forecasting

These digital accounting platforms often provide trendy financial news and information on the state of the trucking industry. And because they help put your finances in their proper perspective, suddenly, budgeting and forecasting become easy for you.

4. Financial security and compliance

If left exposed, the finances of your trucking business can be a gateway for fraudsters and nefarious players internally and externally to cripple the business. Along with the modernization of the trucking business also came the necessity of a protected financial system.

You can get that with a robust digital financial management platform, which helps you stay compliant with policies like the international fuel tax agreement and ever-changing tax regulations. With these, you can easily file your tax report and free your business from unnecessary scrutiny.

Leveraging digital financial management for effectiveness

We have established how much of a game-changer digital financial management is for the trucking industry. However, leveraging these platforms the right way is another issue. Despite the potential of these platforms, if not used properly, they will not give the desired result.

So, how can you leverage these platforms for the efficiency and profitability of your business?

1. Cash flow management

Cash flow challenges are common for a trucking company. However, with these platforms, you can properly track and manage the cash flow of your trucking business. It requires proactiveness on your part, though. This means you have to sync the platform with your existing financial system. If you do not have one, create a system that empowers you to accurately input all cash flow on the platform.

If you can have this in place, the system can help you paint an accurate picture of your trucking business finances. You can also rely on it to give you the correct details of your transaction history, identify areas you may need to change or look into, and improve your decision-making ability.

All of these help with efficient accounting, budgeting, forecasting, and the business's financial security.

2. Tax filing

Tax regulations differ between counties, regions and, many times, between states. You may not be familiar with your region or state's tax policy, which is ok; not everyone is, but it can complicate your tax filing. Worse, it may put your business in the spotlight. You don’t want that. The negative press alone can be troublesome.

To help you avoid all that, these digital financial platforms can help you navigate tax filings by advising you on your finances and the area's tax rates. This way, you get to stay compliant and pay the correct value of your corporate tax.

3. Industry publications and reform

In today’s world, nothing beats information. The access to the information you have can, to a great degree, impact the financial stability and success of your trucking business. The finances of your trucking company are no exception. You want to stay updated with news and financial trends in the trucking industry.

With these digital financial management platforms, you can achieve that through newsletters, blogs, and other information repositories. And with them, you have valuable insights that can give you an edge in the industry. It also gives your business a fighting chance during an economic crisis.

Digital financial management platforms are the future for trucking companies

Gone are the days when financial management felt like a death sentence. Today, it can be done easily, seamlessly, and, most importantly, accurately. These platforms can truly ensure financial stability and are the future of trucking finances.

Now, the problem is which digital financial management platform or accounting software? You will need one that is easy to access, comes with 24/7 support, and is ready to start helping your business finances on the go without much input from your end. We have just the right solution for you.

TrueNorth is an all-in-one platform for owner-operators, truck drivers, and trucking companies. Small and large. Whether it is load management, route optimization, building relationships with brokers, financial reporting, or managing the company finances, TrueNorth excels in all areas.

For our financial management solution, you can track your company's cash flow on the platform, invoice brokers or factoring companies, and get paid on time. More than these are tutorials and training videos that keep you updated on specific tax considerations, allow you to make informed decisions that enhance long-term success, and empower you to build and run a profitable business overall.

The future is already at your fingertips. All you need to do is click here to get started.